Educational Tours

& Schools

Since it was created in 1984 school days have been organized on a regular basis at the Musee PACCARD ; a very strong experience has been gained in this field and is now well recognized.

Every year around 20.000 visitors – including school groups – come to the museum where specific educational tools have been developed like educational files, kits, games, CD, DVD…, in such a way that all the pupils can get the most out of their visit not only before and during the time they spend here, but also after.

During educational tours your sight, hearing, smelling and touching senses are involved. There are a variety of themes dealt with: fire, men working skills, handicraft and industry evolution, molding techniques or music through the discovery of a bell ringtone. Each theme is handled in a way adapted to the children and can be developed according to the classroom or school project needed.

The PACCARD Bell Museum has also its mascot, “Campanelle”, a mischievous tinker bell thanks to which an educational approach of technical steps of a bell making and bells environment is provided to children.

Self Tour Visit


It will be for you a very unique opportunity to learn everything
about a handicraft which has been existing for more than 4000 years.
Although nobody knows how it really works, it is definitely part of our daily life.

Room 1 : History of the PACCARD Bell Foundry
Room 2 : Manufacturing technology (moulding, casting, tuning)
Room 3 : Baptism and inaugural ceremony
Room 4 : Peals and carillons
Room 5 : Mechanical watchmaking
Room 6 : Bourdons and famous bells
Room 7 : The largest swinging bell in the world

Video room 1: “A bell for Peace” (the making of the World Peace Bell, the largest swinging bell in the World)

Video room 2: “Du Savoir et du Feu” (Mastering the fire, the making of the largest swinging peal in the World)

Rate : 4,50€
Duration : about 1 hour
Period : Open all year (please note that no self tour take place on Thursday)
From Monday to Saturday, from 10.00 pm to 18.00. Sunday afternoon, from 2.30 pm to 6.00 pm

Workshops Guided Tour


Workshops guided tours are proposed to students by the museum, during which they’ll learn about the technical steps of bell founding: a fascinating journey in the bell founders world.

Every year, more or less 300 bells are casted at the PACCARD Bell Foundry
and sent all over the world (USA, Japan, Australia, Taïwan, Canada…)

For security reasons visits take place outside working hours.

A guide will show the students around, tell them about the various bell making technical steps and possibly enable them to take a look at the work going on at that moment.

Rate : Supplement 2,50€
Duration : 40 minutes
Period : Friday afternoon, 2.30 pm to 6.00 pm, Saturday, from 10.00 pm to 12.00 and from 2.30 pm to 6.00 pm and Sunday afternoon, 2.30 pm to 6.00 pm

Guided Tour of the Museum


This guided tour involve the use of their sight, hearing and sense of touch.

A number of themes are dealt with : fire, men working skills, handicraft and industry evolution, molding techniques or music through the discovery of a bell ringtone.

Each theme is handled in a way adapted to the children and can be developed according to the classroom or school project need.

Rate : Supplement 2,50€
Duration : 40 minutes
Period : On booking, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday


Welcom Desk and Souvenir Shop

As soon as they arrive children enter a world awakening their senses. In this very spacious place the teachers or tour leaders can take some time getting ready and organized for the visit.

At the end of the tour they are invited to enter the souvenir shop so that they can bring back a little souvenir (as from 1 euro…).

At the PACCARD Bell Museum, Educational tour is free for adults.


Two video rooms

You ‘ll be invited to watch three amazing and exciting documentary films during your visit :

• Du Savoir et du Feu (20 minutes) – French, English, German, Spanish and Italian
You’ll learn everything about the founding of the world’s biggest flying bells (1986)

• Une Cloche pour la Paix (26 minutes)
On the eve of the third millennium, an American billionaire chooses the PACCARD Bel Foundry to make the biggest bell in the World

• Les Filles de Bronze (28 minutes)
An abridged version of a documentary shot for the French television in 2017.
Discover the biggest bell achievement of the century

Each room can fil between 50 and 60 students. Both of them have the air conditioning, a stage and are equipped with high tech sound tracking.


Bell Casting Event

Every year, between 500 and 600 bells are casted at the Paccard foundry.

Every Thursday, depending on the agenda, students can watch the fascinating process of a bell casting, watching the fusion of bronze metal thus being transformed.

Duration 20 minutes.

Booking requested. Takes place on Thursday and only during a discovery guided tour.

Discovery Tour : 12,50 €


Ars Sonora® Concert

Children will discover the PACCARD bells ringtones in a contemporary, original and unusual way, listening to international and French variety songs performed by a surprising duet : Bells & Voice.

They will see how the local know-how of a 200 years old company can be enhanced thanks to a contemporary high technology.

The culmination of the day…

Booking requested. Tuesday and Friday. Included in the Thursday Discovery Tour.

Supplement : 3,50 €


Convivial Space

Upon request you might use our shady terrace for a classroom picnic.

School Groups Rates


Educational tour is free for accompanying adults (within the limit of 1 adult for 8 children).

PACCARD Bell Museum – Self Tour Visit

PUPIL : 5,00€

Museum or Bell Foundry Guided Tour

PUPIL : 7,50€

Ars Sonora® Concert (Voice & Bells)

PUPIL : 8,50€

Guided Tour + Concert

PUPIL : 10,50€

Discovery Tour

PUPIL : 12,50€

Who is Campanelle ?

Who is Campanelle ?

Campanelle was born in 2005. This mischievious little bell is the mascott of the PACCARD Bell Museum and the cheerful companion of children during their visit.
More about Campanelle

Our educational materials

Teaching supports

The PACCARD Bell Museum has been developing a large range of teaching materials to facilitate teachers'work and to help pupils and students understanding the bell making process.
More about educational tools