Who is
Campanelle ?
Confident about its experience in organizing educational tours for more than 35 years, the PACCARD Bell Museum decided, in October 2004, to develop a complete range of educational tools dedicated to teachers, in order to children to understand the bell making process.
Campanelle® was born ! A mischievious little bell who accompanies from now on young and old alike during their tours. A recreational way to learn and to comprehend the bell universe.
Campanelle® (in latin campana = bell), owes her name to Liszt’s etude for piano « La Campanella », itself from the violoin Concerto n°2, from Paganini, which brings little bronze bells named as « handbells ».
A very nice TV report on PACCARD on GREAT BIG STORY !
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Musée Paccard
Un très joli reportage sur la Fonderie PACCARD : c’est bon pour le moral !